Section 1 — IntroductionSection 1 — Introduction
Satellite image of the Pacific Ocean and its islands Tom Van Sant/Photo Researchers Inc
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Inferred Origin of Several Native American Potatoes from the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Alaska using ssr markersInferred Origin of Several Native American Potatoes from the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Alaska using ssr markers
Linhai Zhang1, Charles R. Brown2*, David Culley1,4, Barbara Baker3, Elizabeth Kunibe5, Hazel Denney6, Cassandra Smith6, Neuee Ward6, Tia Beavert7, Julie Coburn8, J. J. Pavek9, Nora Dauenhauer5, Richard Dauenhauer5
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Caribbean PlaygroundCaribbean Playground
All aboard! You are invited to climb on our Great Big Boat and embark on a musical cruse to the Caribbean. We'll have lots of fun and learn a bit too!
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1 Cautious Cars and Cantankerous Kitchens: How Machines Take Control1 Cautious Cars and Cantankerous Kitchens: How Machines Take Control
Thinking For Machines Is Easy, Physical Actions Are Hard; Logic Is Simple, Emotion Difficult
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Appendix b-6-6: Los Angeles BasinAppendix b-6-6: Los Angeles Basin
Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura. The region is located south of the Central Coast and the San Joaquin Valley/Sierra regions and north of the San Diego/Border Region
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Donghyun Kim Prof. Xin FanDonghyun Kim Prof. Xin Fan
In the discussion, we have talked about freedom and public safety as we were comparing covid in China and covid in the United States. China could control the number of covid cases by lockdown and shutting down all school systems
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Chapter 24 outline – land empires in the age of imperialism, 1800-1870Chapter 24 outline – land empires in the age of imperialism, 1800-1870
In 1798, Napoleon invaded Egypt and defeated the Mamluk forces he encountered there. Fifteen months later, after a series of military defeats, Napoleon returned to France, seized power, and made himself emperor
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